Starchild natural incense – Capricorn

21st December – 20th January

When the sun enters Capricorn nature rejoices, for the light is reborn. Not that anybody would notice just yet, but from now on the days will get longer again. Although winter solstice is a time of feasting, it is immediately followed by a period of austerity when we need to take stock and figure out how to make things last through the rest of winter. It is a time to plan ahead, scheduling the work load and choosing the seeds for the coming year. Capricorns are planners; they don’t like leaving anything to chance. However, once they have devised a plan they find it hard to modify it, even if circumstances change. Capricorns are ambitious and will set their aims high. They don’t mind sacrificing whatever it may take to accomplish their goals – and expect their family to make sacrifices too. Capricorn represents structure, definition and limits. Other signs may find these confining and inhibiting, but in fact, they are needed to make a plan work. Capricorn hates wishy-washiness and will only go where he feels ’terra firma’ beneath his feet. He does not suffer from vertigo, though – he climbs to the most perilous precipices to achieve his ambition. Capricorn needs to feel important and likes to take on responsibilities and duties that give him status and respect in the community. Social position and material status symbols are important to his sense of self-worth. Without them he may feel useless. Capricorn’s weakness is his rigidity and inability to ‘let his hair down’. He needs to realize that the journey is just as important as the goal and that he might as well stop to smell some flowers on the way occasionally. Also, mountaintops, while they look majestic from the valley, may be very lonely once they get to the top. Capricorn benefits from Mars to provide the fire for his dynamic energy.

Magical Collections
Saturn ~ Grounding, focus, rites of passage, dealing with grief, loss and death, sacrifice, exorcism.

Earth ~ Practicality, five senses, material world, sensuality, manifestation, prosperity, grounding.

Je kunt deze wierook branden op een kooltje, een zeefbrander, of in het bakje van een oliebrander (geen water of olie toevoegen, hooguit een stukje zilverpapier om de restanten makkelijk te kunnen verwijderen).




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